ภาษา: 🇹🇭

Cheapest next-day international delivery
for businesses.

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Unbeatable rates.

The cheapest and fastest

  • RM20 first KG

  • (RM5/subsequent KG)

  • Next-day delivery

Not fast enough and expensive

Company D

  • RM79 first KG

  • (RM8/subsequent KG)

  • 2 to 3 working days

Not fast enough

Company N

  • RM20 first KG

  • (RM5.30/subsequent KG)

  • 3 to 5 working days

Coverage area.

Kuala Lumpur & Selangor, Malaysia


Bangkok City, Thailand

Satisfy your international customers with next-day delivery.

Same-day pick up

We’ll be in touch within 3 hours once you confirm your delivery.

Express customs clearance

All parcels will clear customs within the same day at no additional cost.

Southeast Asia’s #1 air logistics provider

Parcels will be delivered via the next available flight from our extensive flight frequency.

Subscription plans.

Enjoy additional perks when you subscribe to a credit plan.



Dedicated account manager





Dedicated account manager

100+ brand partners are delivering Next Day.


Read our FAQ below or email us at help@teleport.asia

Couldn’t find the answer to your question? Visit our support page in the link below.

→ Get support

  • We’re available in Kuala Lumpur & Selangor (Malaysia), Singapore and Bangkok City (Thailand). Refer to this page to see full coverage.

  • Teleport Next Day is currently unavailable for domestic shipping.

  • The weight limit is 15KG and with a maximum dimension parameter of:

    Cumulatively (Width + Height + Length): Max 130cm

    The longest side: Within 100cm

  • If you place your order by cut-off time (12:00PM), your order will be picked up on the same day and your parcel will reach it's destination the next day.

    If you place your order after cut-off time (12:00PM), your order will be picked up tomorrow and your parcel will reach it's destination the day after tomorrow.

  • You're allowed to send items within the specified weight & dimension limitations excluding perishables, dangerous goods & prohibited goods.

    You may refer here for the full list of prohibited goods you are NOT allowed to send.

  • You can track the status of your order here.

    In addition, you will be receiving email & SMS notifications throughout your delivery.